Wednesday, July 18, 2007

VIM QT Code Completion

If you have followed my posts over the last couple weeks you know I'm on a VIM kick. I am getting addicted more and more each day.

I've been in the process of configuring VIM just the way I like it and one of the challenges I have had is code completion. So while looking for more information I ran across this great blog post on how to setup code completion for VIM and how to use that with QT.

What's so great about this post is it's simple, easy to follow and it works.

Friday, July 13, 2007

VIM update and Bazaar happenings

Well I have used VIM for roughly a week and each day I feel more productive. At first I was struggling without the pretty IDE and extensive features. However, as time goes by I am learning new commands each day that make me more productive and keep me focused. I am starting to fly through my code with a couple key strokes. I am able to copy, paste, remove and replace strings, lines and even files without much effort. I can diff and split files with ease, helping me develop faster.

By doing this move I also sparked my imagination on how I can automate my development process more. Before I left everything up to the IDE, but didn't realize how little it was really doing for me. This has pushed me to identify other time wasting development tools I'm using.

So, I'm in the process of moving over from SourceGear's Vault to Bazaar. Vault is a great product and worked like a charm for over two years. I even love the price for a single user, free. However, it's not the fastest or most flexible source control in the world. Granted I was using the GUI which was built with .NET.

Bazaar is a decentralized source control where Vault is centralized. Even after using Bazaar for a couple days I noticed how easy it was to manage my source. So easy in fact that I felt like I was missing something. So I went over more tutorials and documentation, then I started to understand what decentralized source control really meant and why I don't want to go back to a centralized model. I can explain it in one word, freedom. You are supposed to control the source, not let it control you. If you plan to move over to a decentralized source control like Bazaar, Mercurial or git, then you will need to change how you think of source control and what source really means to you.

I will keep the blog updated on my progress with VIM and Bzr, it's a brave new world.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Hi ho hi ho it's off to VIM I go

I am so sick and tired of overrated IDEs. I just want to develop without having worry if my IDE is going to crash or suck the life out of my laptop. So I have decided to move over to a cross platform code editor, VIM.

This will provide me syntax highlighting and code completion with ctags. Really other than that, I don't need anything else. Since I use QT I can use Designer to create the interface.

Apart from the fact VIM is so much more stable it also has other productive features utilizing keyboard commands and macros. I'm no VIM ninja, but I think by learning to use it more effectively I will be more productive and retain some sanity.